Friday, July 10, 2020

Future ramification of the reward and punishment of AI

Future ramification of the reward and punishment of AI

In the coming days, AI is poised to play a very big role to affect sustainability, environmental change and climate change issues in a big way. It will be partly possible due to the use of sophisticated sensors.

With increasing predicting power of the computer, it will be possible to prescribe certain rules and policies. The optimization of resources along with identification and prediction of potential problems with huge inflow of data and predicting power will be possible in the coming years. AI has a big role to play with the application of reinforcement learning and General Adversarial Network ( GAN).

The application of GAN and reinforcement learning find its way in a lot of unjustified and illegal use of AI, wherein, unregulated use of big data can lead to a number of right violations, violations in personal privacy and denial of Justice.

Personal liberty and privacy is also expected to be jeopardized in a big way if the use of AI is not regulated.

Data has become the new oil of business and everywhere data is being harnessed in order to find algorithms and ways to monetize that which is not a very healthy sign for the society as large.

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A reasonable implementation of AI is going to have a big beneficial effect on the society, however, downside still exist as the commercial and indiscriminate use of this technology can bring a detrimental impact on human rights and society.



Author & Editor

Prof. (Dr) Subroto Chowdhury is a Data science and Technology Enthusiast, Independent Research Practitioner, Education Change Motivator, Ethical Investment Advisor and Analytics Consultant.Analytical Exposition interests him as an instrumentation process to make objective understanding of the complex Phenomenon and other decisions. He believes in making education more affordable, easy and pragmatic.

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